Federal Government boosts support for inclusion through $21.2 million in funding

The Federal Government’s Inclusion Support Program, which helps to address participation barriers to quality early childhood education and care (ECEC), will benefit from a $21.2 million funding boost announced by Federal Minister for Early Childhood Education Dr Anne Aly last Thursday.
The Inclusion Support Program assists education and care services provide and embed practices into their early learning programs for all children, including those with additional needs, and plays an important role in giving children who experience barriers to inclusion a strong start, while supporting parents to take on work should they wish to do so.
“All children should be able to access the transformative benefits of early learning,” Dr Aly said.
“We know quality early childhood education and care particularly helps children with additional needs reach their full potential.”
“This funding boost will help meet growing demand for the program, while also helping retain quality educators and teachers in this vital sector.”
The Inclusion Support Program has grown by 58 per cent over the last four years, with more than 17,600 children supported by the program in 2021-22.
A review of the Inclusion Support Program has been commissioned to ensure it’s working for the children and families that need it. The report will be provided to the Government over the coming months.