JAG supports The Dream Run
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JAG puts sneakers on to raise funds for The Smith Family via The Dream Run

by Freya Lucas

June 14, 2023

Outside school hours care (OSHC) provider Junior Adventures Group (JAG) will support children’s education charity The Smith Family during its national month-long fundraiser, known as The Dream Run.


A virtual fitness event, The Dream Run asks people to raise money by committing to travelling 25km, 50km or 100km during the month of June. Over 400 JAG services have signed up for the challenge, with staff and children running, skipping, galloping, strolling, dancing, leaping, jumping, hopping and marching their way together to a specific kilometre goal they have set themselves.


Should the services raise a combined $50,000, JAG headquarters have agreed to match their efforts, contributing another $50,000.


“At JAG we’re passionate about building brighter futures for Australian children and their families,” said JAG Australia CEO Melinda Crole. “Like The Smith Family, we believe that education and learning through play are powerful change agents.”


JAG Australia chose The Smith Family not only due to witnessing the impact of disadvantage on children and families, but also in support of the charity, which impacts the lives of 60,000 children and young people through its Learning for Life Program


Learning for Life provides students in need with financial, personal and practical support throughout their education. 


As a bonus, the fundraiser promotes physical activity, helping the children attending JAG services to see themselves as powerful contributors to their local community. 


“So far, our centres have raised over $12,000 in just seven days which is amazing,” Ms Crole shared.


Hearing about the success of the fundraising efforts at service level, Ms Cole has been inspired, committing to running 150km in June to raise her own funds. 


“I look forward to the end of the month when JAG can present The Smith Family with a $100,000 donation and I look forward to next year when we’ll do it all over again,” she said. 


Learn more about The Dream Run here. To make a contribution to the JAG team please see here. 

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