IHC and FDC providers reminded to take action on WWCC
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IHC and FDC providers reminded to take action on WWCC

by Freya Lucas

June 05, 2023

In-home care (IHC) and family day care (FDC) providers have been reminded to take action on the specific obligations they have in relation to working with children checks (WWCC). 


Specifically providers must report: 


  • a new educator’s WWCC within seven days of them starting at their service


  • any changes to an existing educator’s WWCC within 24 hours of becoming aware of the change, including if a WWCC is renewed or extended, suspended or revoked, or has lapsed or expired.


The Department of Education has indicated that their records show that most providers have yet to fulfil their obligations in this space, and that they would shortly be contacting providers who have not reported current WWCCs.


Reporting WWCCs is a requirement under Family Assistance Law. If an educator does not have a current WWCC, or if the provider fails to report the WWCC to the Department any sessions of care provided by the educator will not be eligible for CCS. 

The Department has warned that it may take compliance action if providers fail to meet their obligations. Compliance action, including infringement notices or debts may also occur. 


WWCC can be reported via the PEP or through third-party software. The Department has created a task card to support providers with the PEP process. 


Providers who receive an email from the Department must read the email closely, and action accordingly. 


For more information visit the Department’s website

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