Stories by Digital Children competition now open for children aged 5-12 years
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Stories by Digital Children competition now open for children aged 5-12 years

by Freya Lucas

May 12, 2023

The Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child has announced the Stories by Digital Children competition, which invites children aged between five and 12 years of age to submit a concept for a children’s story based on the theme Fun with digital media: Getting the balance right


The competition winners will work with children’s author Kim Maslin and an illustrator to create a published version of their story, which will in turn help other young children understand the theme in accessible ways.


Children can submit individual, small group and,for children aged between five and six years, class entries. Educators are welcome to use the templates provided with their classes.  


One winner from each category will win a prize consisting of:


  • A workshop with author Kim Maslin to develop their story idea into a book – including illustrations


  • A copy of the finished book to keep


  • A soft toy version of the book’s main character.


Entries close 30 June 2023, with winners to be notified by 31 August 2023. Information, guidance and support is available on the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the Digital Child competition page.

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