Are you across the key NQF changes for your service coming on 1 July 2023?

In the wake of the completion of the 2019 National Quality Framework (NQF) Review and the subsequent release of a set of recommendations designed to improve the NQF centre based early childhood education and care (ECEC) services are being reminded of the next round of changes to be implemented on 1 July 2023.
These include:
Restrictions on short term relief for educators
Approved providers will have more flexibility to meet ratio and qualification requirements when a Certificate III or Diploma level educator is absent for a short period of time in a centre based service with children preschool age or under, the restrictions on short term relief for educators information sheet notes.
An educator who holds (or is actively working towards) an approved Certificate III or Diploma level qualification may be replaced by a person who holds a qualification in primary teaching when the educator is absent because of short-term illness, leave, resignation, or because they are attending supervised professional experience placements for an approved qualification.
Certificate III or Diploma level roles may each be replaced for up to 30 days in a 12 month period, while still satisfying the ratio and qualification requirements, the changes state.
An early childhood teacher (ECT), second ECT or suitably qualified person may be replaced by a person who holds an approved Diploma level qualification or a qualification in primary teaching when they are absent due to short-term illness, leave, resignation or because they are attending supervised professional experience placements for approved qualifications.
ECT or suitably qualified person roles may each be replaced for up to 60 days in any 12-month period. Requirements in NSW differ slightly.
For more information see the restrictions on short term relief for educators information sheet.
New record keeping requirements
Approved providers will need to continue to keep records of when educators and ECTs are replaced (per regulations 152A and 152B) with some additional requests introduced as part of the changes, namely:
A record must be kept when an educator who holds (or is actively working towards) an approved Certificate III or Diploma level qualification is replaced by a person who holds a primary teaching qualification
A record must be kept when an ECT or suitably qualified person is absent because of short-term illness, leave, resignation or because they are attending supervised professional experience placements for an approved qualification, and replaced by a person who holds an approved Diploma level or primary teaching qualification
The record will need to include the following details:
- name of the person being replaced
- the role (Certificate III or Diploma level educator, ECT or SQP) being replaced
- the qualification of the person replacing the role
- the dates the person was replaced
- reason for the absence, which must state one of the following:
» short-term illness
» leave
» resignation
» attendance at a supervised professional experience placement for an approved qualification.
Approved providers are not required to record any other details about the reason for absence.
For more information see the record keeping requirements information sheet.
Educators who are actively working towards a qualification
There are no changes to the definition of ‘actively working towards’ an approved qualification (Certificate III, Diploma orECT) however additional changes have been added, specifically:
Authorised officers can now request new information to check whether the requirements of educators “actively working towards” are being met. This includes, but is not limited to the record of educators working directly with children and for family day care (FDC) settings, the record of staff, FDC co-ordinators and family day care educator assistants.
Staff records should include evidence of any relevant qualification held by staff members or evidence of staff members who are actively working towards a qualification such as a transcript or letter from the course provider.
Approved providers should collect documentary evidence from educators that demonstrate progress is being made towards their qualification including but not limited to confirmation of enrolment, letter of offer, academic transcript of units/modules completed and examination results or verified and dated letter from the course provider.
The approved provider should regularly review and request updated evidence from the educator, depending on the circumstances – for example, annually or at the end of each study period (semester or trimester).
For more information see the working towards qualification changes information sheet.
All of these changes will come into effect from 1 July 2023.

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