Raising Healthy Minds app supports educators with tricky chats
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Free app could help educators to have conversations with parents about tricky topics

by Freya Lucas

April 12, 2023
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A new app has been developed by the Raising Children Network to support educators to guide parents who have questions about their children’s social and emotional wellbeing.


The Raising Healthy Minds app is billed as an evidence-based pocket-resource for parents and carers and a valuable tool that early childhood education and care (ECEC) professionals can recommend to parents who have questions.


App users input questions they have about a child’s social or emotional development and are then directed to easy-to-understand information and helpful tips, with the aim of reinforcing a positive approach to parenting and offering ways to help parents navigate emotions and behaviours in children aged birth to 12 years of age.


Raising Children Network Director Derek McCormack said the app could help educators begin conversations with parents and their children about topics such as neurodiversity.


“The Raising Healthy Mind app’s content on neurodiversity contains positive, accessible information,” Mr McCormack said. This is complemented by articles covering topics including how to help autistic children understand and respond to emotions, and ways to support the emotional wellbeing of a child with a learning difficulty or ADHD.


With a mix of quick-read articles, videos and animations the app also highlights when additional professional support might be needed. It also has guidance for parents on how to respond to behaviour, including articles on how to help children calm down and understand anger, as well as videos on tantrums and strong emotions.


Co-designed with experts and parents the app aims to improve child mental health and wellbeing outcomes, with practical advice to help parents raise confident, resilient children, and is available free to download from Google Play or the App Store.

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