MacKillop Family Services launches second Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan
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MacKillop Family Services launches second Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan

by Freya Lucas

February 22, 2023

MacKillop Family Services (MacKillop) launched its second Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) on Monday 13 February 2023, coinciding with the 15 th anniversary of the National Apology to the Stolen Generations and the healing journey of Aboriginal People.


This second RAP has strong themes of prevention and healing and will run from February 2023 to January 2025, building on the significant outcomes of MacKillop’s inaugural RAP, which was introduced in 2020.


MacKillop is committed to developing meaningful relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and this second RAP will provide guidance on the next phase of its reconciliation journey, MacKillop’s CEO Dr Robyn Miller said. 


“We’re excited that this second RAP will help us build on the foundations we’ve laid and bring us further along our journey to reconciliation. We have listened and consulted widely, and we’re committed to acting on what we have heard,” she continued.


“Informing policy and culture, this second RAP will guide us to continue our development as a culturally safe, and welcoming organisation, where all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities will be heard and respected. It will help us achieve one of MacKillop’s key strategic goals, which is to deepen our commitment to Aboriginal self-determination, reconciliation, and cultural safety.

“We are ever grateful to the Aboriginal communities,” Dr Miller added. “Elders and leaders who are guiding us on this process and who are working with us to achieve the best outcomes for all the children, young people and families we work with”.


MacKillop’s Aboriginal Service Development Director Esmai Manahan, a Yorta Yorta and Gunditjmara woman, has worked alongside the Aboriginal community to guide the development of MacKillop’s second RAP.


“Implementing our second Innovate RAP strengthens our approach to driving reconciliation and healing through all our activities and community programs, and nurtures relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and organisations,” Ms Manahan said.


“Working together with communities and always listening deeply to their stories is key to developing strong and meaningful relationships. Respect and collaboration enable us to work with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations to deliver culturally safe and empowering programs that support Aboriginal families to stay together, and children to thrive in community and culture.”


Although MacKillop implemented many of the actions outlined in its first RAP, the second plan will further enhance reconciliation and change by acknowledging lessons learnt; listening to and advocating for children, young people and families; developing strong partnerships; focusing on prevention and healing; celebrating culture; and, embedding culturally responsive and competent practice across the organisation.


Access the RAP here.  Pictured are MacKillop CEO Robyn Miller with MacKillop’s Aboriginal Service Development Director, Esmai Manahan and Chair of MacKillop Family Services Board, Brian Keane.

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