3 Wollondilly services to benefit from Quality and Participation Grants Program
Three services in the Wollondilly community will benefit from a funding boost from the NSW Liberal and Nationals Government thanks to the government’s $21 million Quality and Participation Grants Program.
The grant program will create new and improved facilities and support programs at early childhood education and care (ECEC) services in NSW.
Grants of up to $5,700 are available to improve facilities and access to ECEC for children from low-income families, Aboriginal children and culturally and linguistically diverse children.
The funding can be used by services for a range of activities such as providing transport services to improve access, bringing in specialised staff for Aboriginal children and children from low-income families, and for minor capital works such as renovations and new play areas.
“It’s fantastic that these vital early childhood services in Wollondilly have benefitted from government funding,” said Member for Wollondilly Nathaniel Smith.
“I know all too well how important these services are to our community and so the funding will make a positive difference for our young learners.”
Nearly 300 services across the state will benefit from the first round of the $21 million Quality and Participation Grants Program.
“These grants had an overwhelming response from the sector, which is fantastic because it means more children, especially from disadvantaged backgrounds, will benefit,” said NSW Minister for Education and Early Learning Sarah Mitchell.
The NSW Government is investing more than $15.9 billion in early childhood commitments announced as part of the 2022-23 budget, including the introduction of a universal pre-Kindergarten year, the Brighter Beginnings initiatives, a workforce package for early childhood educators and the Affordable Preschool fee relief.
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