Consultant Lisa Burman offers two scholarship opportunities to give back to ECEC

Two professional development scholarships have been offered to the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector by consultant Lisa Burman, who has a goal of making high-quality professional development more readily available to those in supporting roles, as well as those in the early years of their careers.
Ms Burman consults in pedagogical growth, working with a small team of consultants who specialise in early childhood education, literacy and playful learning.
Based in Adelaide, South Australia, Lisa and her team have national and international experience in supporting early childhood educators, and those working in primary school settings, to provide rich, engaging, playful and authentic learning environments.
Launched in 2008, Lisa Burman Consultants (LBC) has a respected reputation for leading and guiding the broader ECEC sector, and recognises that with this reputation comes a responsibility to advocate and support the sector.
With this in mind, Ms Burman is offering two scholarship opportunities in 2023, one for early childhood professionals in the first three years of their careers, and the other for a co-educator (for example an early childhood support worker (ESW)/ student support officer (SSO)/Teaching Assistant).
“Our team is exceptionally passionate about providing educators early in their careers, and co-educators, with as much professional learning as possible,” Ms Burman said, “but by the same token we also recognise that sometimes it just isn’t financially possible to access all the eCourses and workshops early career educators and co-educators may like.”
The scholarships are one way in which Ms Burman and her team hope to give back to the sector, and lessen the financial burden associated with high quality professional development.
Scholarship recipients are encouraged to participate in as much professional learning as possible, recognising that some content offered by LBC may not suit their individual needs.
Recipients will also be required to participate in a Zoom conversation once per term, and to write a reflection piece about how the professional opportunities presented throughout the scholarship supported their growth as an educator.
Each scholarship will provide the successful recipient with:
- One calendar year’s access to professional learning facilitated by LBC
- all eCourses at The Authentic Educator
- Adelaide-based workshops facilitated by the LBC team
- Webinars facilitated by the LBC team
- 4 x 1:1 Zoom chats with Lisa and her team across the year (30 minutes each).
The following aspects are NOT included in the scholarship:
- Registration to any webinar, summit or workshop that is not fully hosted and facilitated by LBC. (That is, where Lisa Burman or any Associate Consultant is a guest speaker at an event or where a guest speaker is invited to an LBC event.)
- Materials needed for workshops or webinars.
- Travel costs that may be incurred when attending workshops in Adelaide.
Those applying for the early career educator scholarship must be:
- Preschool and primary educators who have recently qualified
- Living and working in Australia
- In the first three years of their teaching career.
To apply for the educator scholarship, please complete the form found here. The co-educator scholarship form can be found here.
Expressions of interest must be received before Friday 17 February, 2023, and are only open to Australian applicants.

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