CELA launches new Micro Credentials options to boost ECEC skill gaps

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) peak body Community Early Learning Australia CELA has launched a new training solution to help boost early childhood education and care (ECEC) skill gaps and to allow educators to upskill at their own pace.
The new option acknowledges the depth and impact of Australia’s ECEC workforce crisis, and actions key recommendations from the Shaping Our Future – 10-year National Workforce Strategy.
“It is vital to the sector’s success and the workforce’s well-being that both new and experienced educators have the means to upskill quickly and conveniently,” a CELA spokesperson said.
The Shaping our Future report noted that despite a number of reforms over the past five years aimed at improving quality, many ECEC service providers continue to report that some vocationally trained educators lack fundamental skills and knowledge.
One of the core recommendations in the report which arises as a result is to “develop and implement a priority list of micro credentials for educators and teachers in recognised areas of demand and need.’
“Many educators enter the sector without the practical, job-learned skills necessary for high-quality practice,” CELA CEO Michele Carnegie explained, while those experienced educators who are elevated to leadership positions may need support with the practical skills needed to make this transition effectively.
“Learning doesn’t stop with your qualification and there’s a recognised need across the sector to upskill across multiple topics relevant to your role at any point in time and micro credentials enable you to do that,” she continued.
The microcredentials developed by CELA are targeted, self-paced workshops that allow educators to learn at their own pace and apply what they learn on the job immediately, supporting a variety of learning styles and featuring a range of learning activities including video tutorials, readings, downloadable templates, reflective writing and quizzes.
They allow educators to build their knowledge around their qualification to demonstrate their area of specialisation. Once an educator has completed a microcredential, they receive a digital badge of achievement that they can add to their CV, their service QIP or share on social media.
All CELA microcredentials have been developed by CELA’s learning and development team, and allow educators to extend their existing skills and knowledge attained through other
training methods or acquired while working, Jennifer Moglia, CELA Executive Officer Professional Learning shared.
Each credential is broken down into detailed topics with customised resources, references, and
knowledge quizzes to enhance learning.
“This platform has come from a key sector need and is designed to be owned by the sector,” Ms Carnegie continued.
“We have developed this training platform to meet your needs and will be looking for input
and feedback along the way.”
Two microcredentials have been launched in September, with additional topics already in development. Both launch topics are aimed at upskilling educators and teachers in areas identified by the sector as high need.
The microcredential Leadership: Empowering and Engaging the Team enables leaders to build their confidence and learn ways to empower their team to help navigate the many challenges of an ECEC environment.
The microcredential Understanding Neuroscience to Support Children’s Behaviour provides educators with an in-depth understanding of neuroscience and how the brain impacts children’s behaviour to help them support children in their ECEC service.
Find out more via CELAs dedicated microcredential website or contact the CELA team via email to: [email protected] .

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