Input needed from ECEC sector to shape NSW Childcare and Participation fund
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Input needed from ECEC sector to shape NSW Childcare and Participation fund

by Freya Lucas

September 15, 2022

The New South Wales Department of Education is establishing an Affordable and Accessible Childcare and Economic Participation Fund (or Childcare and Participation Fund) and would like to hear from the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector about the main issues currently faced by the sector in order to prioritise future initiatives.


In the context of the request, the Department would like to hear from all facets of the sector including long day care, community and mobile preschools, family day care, outside school hours care and in-home care.


The Fund will form part of the NSW Government’s $15.9 billion Early Years Commitment and 10-year plan to transform early childhood education and development for NSW families. 


The Childcare and Participation Fund specifically will provide $5 billion over 10 years to target known barriers to families accessing quality, affordable early childhood education and care. It will provide incentives to ECEC providers to enable them to innovate, expand, and offer more places for young families, where and when they need it – close to home or work.   


The survey has five questions and should only take a few minutes to complete. There will also be an opportunity for respondents to provide their contact details if they would like to participate in future consultation opportunities.


Responses to the survey will be accepted until  Wednesday 12 October 2022. Once the consultation is complete, the Department will review all responses and publish a report on the findings.  


Access the survey here.

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