AEU welcomes opportunity to celebrate TAFE Day in the manner it deserves

The Australian Education Union (AEU) has welcomed the TAFE funding reform initiated by the Federal Government as it celebrates the annual National TAFE Day today on 6 September.
“For the first time in over a decade, we can celebrate National TAFE Day in the manner it deserves to be celebrated,” said AEU Federal President Correna Haythorpe.
As a result of the reforms, Ms Haythorpe continued, “TAFE’s status as the anchor institute for the provision of vocational education has been restored.”
At the Jobs and Skills Summit last week, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced a $1.1 billion funding package for 180,000 fee-free TAFE places across Australia, putting TAFE at the heart of Australia’s jobs and skills pipeline.
“We look forward to working collaboratively with the Federal Government to deliver the boost TAFE needs to continue providing quality skills education to all Australians,” Ms Haythorpe said.
She paid tribute to TAFE teachers and staff for having seen their students through testing times during the peak of the pandemic, noting the role the provider plays in providing quality education in all areas, including specialised and in-shortage sectors like early childhood education.
“TAFE educates Australians from all walks of life, including students from disadvantaged backgrounds and learners with disability,” she continued.
“With a stable and secure investment stream, TAFE can address skills shortages in the Australian labour market and create a robust pipeline of trained workers backed by high-quality skills education.”
“National TAFE Day is the perfect opportunity to start thinking about what is next for TAFE. As we celebrate the achievements of TAFE teachers, we are seeking assurances that the promise of fee-free TAFE will provide funding to cover the full cost of course delivery, bolster resources and infrastructure on campus, recruit more qualified TAFE teachers and provide them with much-needed workload relief.”
More information about the TAFE reforms promised in the Jobs and Skills Summit may be found here.