More preschool places for Denman under Start Strong Capital Works program
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More preschool places for Denman under Start Strong Capital Works program

by Freya Lucas

August 29, 2022

More preschool places are on the way for Denman thanks to the NSW Government’s $15.5 million investment through the Start Strong Capital Works program.


Denman Children’s Centre is one of 18 services across NSW that will get a share of the funding through the latest round of grants to increase the number of preschool places on offer across the state.


More than $540,000 worth of upgrades to the centre will be undertaken which will allow the community-based not-for-profit service to provide an additional 25 places.


Nationals Member for Upper Hunter Dave Layzell said this program addresses demand for community preschools, giving more NSW children the best possible start in life.


“This is a great opportunity for the Denman area to access early childhood education and I look forward to the service benefitting from the Start Strong Capital Works grants,” Mr Layzell said.


Nationals Minister for Education and Early Learning Sarah Mitchell said this round of Start Strong Capital Works grants will create up to 600 additional community preschool places for children to attend at least two days per week across the state.


“We want every child in NSW to have access to a quality preschool education, no matter their background or location,” Ms Mitchell said.


“This funding will support successful services with improvements, including new builds, extensions and renovations and will also support the maintenance of preschool operations where there is an urgent need for capital works.”


For more information on the Start Strong Capital Works program, use the links provided. 

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