Child and Family Centre benefits 7 Alice Springs Town Camps
The Northern Territory Government is supporting families and children in Alice Springs to have access to the best health and wellbeing support via the Alice Springs Town Camps Child and Family Centre.
Services on offer through the Centre include maternity support, child health, early childhood development and learning, and parenting support services that will improve the wellbeing of children and families.
The centre will service the following town camps:
- Nyewente (Trucking Yard)
- Yarrenyty Arltere (Larapinta Valley)
- Ewyenper-Atwatye (Hidden Valley)
- Ilperle Tyathe (Warlpiri)
- Anthelk-Ewlpaye (Charles Creek)
- Karnte
- Inarlenge (Little Sisters).
“The Child and Family Community Centre at Trucking Yards provides a safe environment for young mothers to bring their children to learn and play, keeping the children connected to culture and learning healthy lifestyle choices through activities provided to them at the centre,” said Nyewente President and Tangentyere Council Aboriginal Corporation Board Director Elizabeth Erlandson.
“We have five generations at Nyewente/Trucking Yards and the centre is a vital tool to keeping everyone connected and safe, through learning healthy eating, having easier access to services, increasing cultural connection through making bush medicines and tucker. The centre is helping everyone come together and discuss core issues and assisting in community-led decision making processes, making it a safe space to meet.”
This centre is the fifth opened since 2019, after the Territory Government committed to establishing 11 more centres across the Territory.
Each Child and Family Centre is tailored to meet the individual needs and aspirations of the community, with an overall aim to support families with children to access quality, culturally responsive programs and services that are supported by local decision-making.
The Alice Springs Town Camps service is being delivered in partnership with the Tangentyere Council Aboriginal Corporation under a five-year $2.7 million commitment from the Government.
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