Tregear Preschool celebrates NAIDOC Week showcasing First Nations educators
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Tregear Preschool celebrates NAIDOC Week showcasing First Nations educators

by Freya Lucas

July 15, 2022

Volunteers Aunty Kaylene Manton and Uncle Leon Turvey were central to the NAIDOC Week celebrations held recently at Tregear Presbyterian Preschool, where they were thanked and celebrated for their contributions to the preschool community. 


Edward and Emma, two First Nations educators, were also acknowledged with a display showcasing their great contributions at the preschool as well as in the local community.


NAIDOC Week celebrates the rich history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and the preschool used the occasion as an opportunity to explore the theme Get Up Stand Up Show Up within the context of the service’s religious lens. 


Guest speaker, Rev. Michael Duckett, chairman of the Sydney Anglican Indigenous People’s Ministry Committee, talked about the theme with the children, using one of his painted works to illustrate both the theme and the bible verse Isaiah 40:31. 


Rev. Duckett also shared stories of two First Nations Christian leaders who kept their spiritual faith in the face of challenge – David Unaipon – familiar to many from his image being featured on the $50 note – and  Yorta Yorta man William Cooper


Children and families were able to participate in a variety of activities including jewelry making, face painting, temporary tattoos, rock painting, aussie animal decorating, Aboriginal paintings and artifacts. 


Rooby Roo, the reading Kangaroo, was also in attendance and gave out books to children in Darug language.

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