Tumut Community Preschool spreads the word on Reconciliation
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Tumut Community Preschool spreads the word on Reconciliation

by Freya Lucas

June 09, 2022

Tumut Community Preschool took its strong focus on First Nations culture to the broader Tumut community during National Reconciliation Week, with children and educators creating reconciliation packs that contained information about reconciliation and a heart shaped pledge card which read ‘Hand on heart we pledge to…


Local businesses and organisations were provided with a pack asking them to make a pledge towards reconciliation on the heart card provided, Educational Leader Kylie Murdoch explained.


“We have been amazed by the community’s support and embracement of our project and are excited to see the many unique pledges in action as these community groups now begin their own reconciliation journey,” she shared with local publication Tumut and Adelong Times


The project connected the preschool with the 2022 National Reconciliation Week theme of Be Brave, Make Change, and sits more broadly with the continuation of the preschool’s own Reconciliation Action Plan which commenced in 2016. 


“We know that for Australia to progress to a truly reconciled future this work can not fall all on the shoulders of our First Nations people; it is up to the non-indigenous people to take responsibility,” Mrs Murdoch said.


More information about Tumut Community Preschool may be found here. To access the original coverage of this story, see here.


Image source; Tumut Community Preschool Facebook page

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