Formation of a new Government is a chance to put children front and centre: SNAICC
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Formation of a new Government is a chance to put children front and centre: SNAICC

by Freya Lucas

May 26, 2022

With the formation of the newly elected Government imminent as seats are finalised, advocacy body SNAICC – National Voice for our Children has expressed its satisfaction at the prominent positioning of early years issues in the campaigning, calling on the new Government to continue to make early learning education and care (ECEC) a priority. 


CEO Catherine Liddle said SNAICC is looking forward to working with the new Government to progress much needed policy reform to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children have their needs and voices heard.


While describing the elevation of early learning by both major parties and independents as heartening, Ms Liddle said more needed to be done to consider the unique needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. 


“The current policies and systems just aren’t working for our families or our early leaning and support centres,” she explained. 


In the lead up to the election, SNAICC outlined six priorities for reform, which it hopes will guide Prime Minister elect Albanese and his government in decisions moving forward. SNAICC’s six priorities for reform are: 


  • Investing in prevention and early support services for families through a new national program for ACCO-led integrated family support services


  • Legislating authority for a National Commissioner for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children


  • Reforming the federal child care funding model to increase access for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children to culturally appropriate education and care


  • Establishing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander early childhood intermediaries in every state and territory in partnership with SNAICC to build the community-controlled early years sector


  • Planning and investment to build the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce for child and family service delivery across the country


  • Long-term core funding to SNAICC to give future certainty as the national peak for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, and to engage in shared decision-making with governments under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.


SNAICC, Ms Liddle said, was “very pleased” to receive commitment from Mr Albanese during his campaign in response to its priorities. 


“He recognised the need for national leadership particularly given the deterioration in the numbers of children entering care,” she continued. “We were also pleased to note his commitment to working with SNAICC and the Coalition of Peaks to reduce the overrepresentation of our children in the child protection system.”


SNAICC looks forward to working with the new Labor Government to reform the early education, family services and out-of-home care systems to better support our children and families, Ms Liddle said in closing. 


To learn more about the short, medium and long-term outcomes for ECEC post the election of the new Government, please see here

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