Digital learning packs support early childhood learners to work from home if needed

The New South Wales Department of Education has prepared a series of easy-to-use timetabled activities for families to support the continuity of learning for children aged between three and five years when they are unable to attend their early childhood service.
The Early childhood digital learning packs 2022 have been developed by early childhood professionals, and can also serve as a capability building resource for educators, providing suggested activities that cover a range of learning areas aligned with the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) outcomes.
Senior Project Officer Bridget Bardon, a team member who worked on the resources, said the packs were created in response to the pandemic, to help educators and families support their preschool child’s learning at home.
“We know that due to pandemic restrictions, and more recently flooding and other severe weather events, that at times, children’s access to early childhood education has been reduced, so it is critical to have resources available to maintain their learning,” she said.
All activities have a learning goal and link to the EYLF, with each weekly timetable meeting the universal access recommendation of 15 hours a week of preschool education.
“The guided learning packs are designed to be easy to navigate, making learning from home easier for children and their families,” Ms Bardon explained.
A range of experts were consulted to ensure that the packs are inclusive and accessible to all, including children with English as an additional language, children with additional needs, and First Nations children.
The 2022 packs build on the resources developed last year, which are also still accessible and were viewed more than 250,000 times in 2021.
“We hope the digital learning packs continue to keep children engaged in learning when at home, and educators may use them as an additional professional learning opportunity to consolidate their own practices,” Ms Bardon added.
Six weeks’ worth of timetabled learning activities are currently available and may be accessed here.

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