Big Fat Smile service Bellambi Point Community Preschool receives Excellent rating

Bellambi Point Community Preschool, operated by approved provider Big Fat Smile, has been awarded the Excellent rating by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).
Speaking to local news source The Illawarra Mercury Big Fat Smile CEO Jenni Hutchins said she was “beyond chuffed” with the news which showcases the dedication of educators in one of the more vulnerable communities in Wollongong, New South Wales, which has a high proportion of public housing.
Bellambi Point, she said, is a community which is viewed more broadly with stigma and one which has had “its fair share of challenges.”
“Too often Bellambi is mentioned in a negative way. This is great for our centre and the community it serves.”
Bellambi is one of only 15 services from the 5385 in NSW, and 38 services from the 15,417 services nationally, to be rated as Excellent.
Led by Cassie Edwards, Ms Hutchins describes Bellambi as dedicated, committed, focused and consistent with a team that is detailed, caring and loving, providing environments which are predictable, passionate and intuitive.
“They work in partnership with our children, their families and the community,” she continued, “(and) the Excellence Award is recognition of their work and dedication.”
Assessors made mention of the work that the service has undertaken with the local primary school to improve the long-term educational outcomes of children in the community.
Over the past two years, Bellambi Point Community Preschool has collaborated with staff from the local primary school to increase the participation of families and children in the school’s orientation program after observing a very low participation rate.
To learn more about Bellambi Point Community Preschool please see here. The Illawarra Mercury coverage of this story can be found here.