ACECQA releases new QIP professional development course

To support children’s education and care service teams to self-assess their performance in delivering quality children’s education and care, and to plan future improvements, the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) has developed a new interactive free online professional development course – Developing a Quality Improvement Plan.
Preparing, maintaining and reviewing the Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) is a crucial part of promoting continuous improvement in the provision of quality children’s education and care, which in turn is a primary objective of the National Quality Framework (NQF), ACECQA notes.
Having a QIP which is regularly reviewed and used to improve the quality of service provision, is a requirement under the Education and Care Services National Regulations (the National Regulations).
The online course features a series of three eLearning modules:
Module 1: explores how the NQF and the National Quality Standard (NQS) provide a national approach to quality improvement for children’s education and care services. The module also examines self-assessment as an important first step in an effective cycle of continuous quality improvement.
Module 2: takes an in-depth look at QIPs including their purpose, the relevant and associated legislative requirements, what information a QIP needs to include, and tips for developing and implementing a QIP.
Module 3: ties the information explored in the first two modules together and explores ways to use self-assessment and quality improvement planning to support continuous quality improvement. The module includes useful information on planning an approach, undertaking the self-assessment process and maintaining the QIP.
A workbook, incorporating useful tips, reflective questions and activities, accompanies the eLearning modules.
Collectively, the resources aim to build professional confidence, capacity and knowledge in developing, reviewing and maintaining self-assessment and quality improvement planning processes.
They can be used by individuals, to support learning plans and professional goals (element 7.2.3) or collectively as a team or learning community to support shared knowledge building and professional collaboration (element 4.2.1).
Visit the ACECQA website for more information on quality improvement planning and to access ACECQA’s Self-Assessment Tool and optional QIP template.

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