AITSL says the bright future of teaching is worth celebrating, releasing special ECT report
Today, the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) launched its 10-day #BrightFuture campaign this morning, which will culminate on Friday 29 October, the day Australia celebrates World Teachers’ Day.
To acknowledge the special role that early childhood teachers (ECTs) play in the lives of children, AITSL commenced the campaign by releasing its latest evidence summary, Celebrating Early Childhood Teachers.
The Spotlight report highlights the critical role of early childhood teachers and the benefits of investing in early childhood education, with studies indicating returns of two to four times the cost (arising out of improved employment prospects, health benefits and reduced costs associated with criminality).
“Early childhood teachers play a key role. Launching this report as part of our World Teachers’ Day campaign encourages Australia to thank all teachers”, AITSL CEO Mark Grant said.
As part of the campaign, AITSL is aiming to collect 1 million virtual apples to thank teachers across Australia. The community and teachers are also encouraged to post a photo in their sunglasses on social media on the day to thank teachers and celebrate the bright future of teaching.
The campaign website makes it easy for the education community to celebrate the #BrightFuture of teaching, including a virtual photo booth, celebration kit, and the million apples game.
“There is a positive correlation between the way teachers are perceived and student performance,” Mr Grant said.
“However, we know from a 2019 study by Monash University that only 29 per cent of teachers felt that the Australian public appreciated them.”
“World Teachers’ Day on Friday 29 October is the perfect chance to thank teachers for the incredible work they do. It’s also a day for teachers to be proud of the work they do, especially in the face of the ongoing challenges caused by COVID-19, keeping students safe and learning,” he said in closing.
For more information about World Teachers Day please see here.
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