Camp Australia says educator wellbeing must be prioritised in this COVID climate

National Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) provider, Camp Australia, has said the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector must be prioritised following a survey last year which showed that educators and leaders wanted to learn more about how to build resilience amongst their education communities.
Camp Australia recognises the need to prioritise mental health for its teams, and used the occasion of RU OK? Day to launch a video insight series, prepared “by educators, for educators.”
The series offers leaders and team members advice on mental wellbeing and digital
wellbeing from leading specialists, something Camp Australia CEO Warren Jacobson said was much needed following the challenges of the pandemic.
“The COVID pandemic has placed an enormous strain on our educators, with many compromising their own wellbeing to support their students, teachers and broader school community,” Mr Jacobson said.
The video insight series was inspired by this year’s RU OK? Day message, ‘Are they really OK? Ask them today’.
Camp Australia is hoping that community conversations on RU OK? Day will help educators reflect on how they really feel, with the video insight series providing practical advice to help them prioritise their wellbeing and the wellbeing of their peers and students.
“The series provides educators with coping techniques and strategies for prioritising their mental health in a COVID climate while working from home,” Mr Jacobson said.
Educators will also learn to strengthen their resilience and unpack the impact of technology on wellbeing and productivity with tips on how to work effectively in a digital workspace.
The three part series features mental health trainer, and Black Dog Insitute speaker, David Westgate, digital wellbeing and productivity specialist, Dr Kristy Goodwin, and Dr Lyn O’Grady, community psychologist, along with principals Jason Shapcott and Henry Grossek, and launched yesterday.
To access more information about Camp Australia, please see here.

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