Approved learning frameworks update project seeks stakeholder feedback for Stage 2

A national consortium led by a partnership between Macquarie University, Queensland University of Technology and Edith Cowan University has been engaged by ACECQA – on behalf of all governments – to deliver the 2021 National Quality Framework (NQF) Approved Learning Frameworks (ALFs) Update project.
The national consortium builds on the update commissioned by the Education Council in late 2020, at which time the Council signaled an update of the two nationally Approved Learning Frameworks – Belonging, Being & Becoming: The Early Years Framework for Australia and My Time, Our Place: Framework for School Age Care in Australia was required.
Given the frameworks have been in place for close to ten years, the update will ensure that the frameworks continue to reflect contemporary developments in practice and knowledge, while supporting all educators to promote the wellbeing, learning and development of each child.
The project is now at Stage 2, and the partners are now seeking input from stakeholders on the discussion paper which has been produced, via an online survey or by written submission.
The surveys aim to capture feedback from educators, providers and other stakeholders, as well as families, about both the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and My Time, Our Place (MTOP). The families survey is available in five community languages – English, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese.
Stakeholder feedback, project officers said, will provide rich evidence to inform the recommendations for updates to the two Approved Learning Frameworks (EYLF and MTOP).
There is scope for children to contribute their feedback via a Talking Circle or focus group led by an educator from their setting. The details for undertaking this activity with children are available here. A video to guide educators through this process is also available and may be accessed here.
Surveys, written submissions and children and young people’s data close on 17 September. For regular updates about the project please visit the ALFs Update project website and register your interest.
Any further questions can be sent to Project Manager Jenny Kendrick at [email protected]

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