New Be You and the NQS video resources support educators to guide and grow practice
A new series of videos has been developed by Be You to support continuous improvement and guide and strengthen practice across the Quality Areas of the National Quality Standard (NQS).
The videos feature voices from the early learning sector including sector experts Rhonda Livingston and Jennifer Cartmel, Be You Consultants and educators who are participating in Be You.
One of the core messages of the videos is that participating in Be You is not extra work, but a great way to support the quality improvement process.
Each of the seven videos explores the connections between a Quality Area of the NQS and Be You, offering insights and ideas about using Be You to support the quality improvement process.
“If you have an area you’d like to prioritise, want an overview of Be You or want to see how Be You can be implemented, explore one or all of these videos,” a spokesperson said.
Additionally, pages 12–14 of the Be You resource Planning for Wellbeing: mine, yours, ours can also support services to embed wellbeing into their Quality Improvement Plan (QIP).
The videos can be used to launch professional conversations in staff meetings, or can be watched on their own as a complement to professional learning. Leaders can use them to support planning and they can also be shared with families.
For further support with embedding Be You in a QIP or understanding which resource can help services to address a particular Quality Area, reach out to a Be You Consultant. Specific Spotlight sessions dedicated to QIPs are also available.
For more information see the Be You website, here.
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