ECEC services invited to nominate for Victorian Multicultural Awards for Excellence

The Victorian Multicultural Awards for Excellence recognise the outstanding achievements of people and organisations who strengthen multiculturalism across 15 categories, including the Education Awards, offering an opportunity for early childhood education and care (ECEC) services to be recognised.
The Education Awards recognise early childhood services, schools, vocational education and training settings, and not-for-profit organisations that deliver outstanding learning and teaching programs that enhance the social inclusion, wellbeing and education outcomes for children and students from CALD communities.
Coordinated by the Victorian Multicultural Commission, the Multicultural Education Awards are one of 15 categories in the Victorian Multicultural Awards for Excellence. The awards will recognise the achievements of four nominees, one from each of the following sub-categories:
- Early childhood education
- School education
- Vocational Education and Training – pre-accredited community-based training
- Vocational Education and Training – accredited training.
Victorian early childhood services, schools, vocational education and training services (accredited training and pre-accredited training), and not-for-profit community organisations working in the early childhood, schools or vocational education and training services sector/s are eligible for nomination.
Nominations will be assessed by the Victorian Department of Education and Training.
Initiatives may involve:
- Innovative teaching and learning programs that strengthen intercultural capability and celebrate cultural diversity.
- Innovative programs and initiatives that support the settlement outcomes for newly arrived Victorians from migrant and refugee backgrounds.
- Innovative and collaborative community projects that improve education and wellbeing outcomes for Victorians from CALD backgrounds.
All nominations will be assessed to confirm they meet eligibility requirements. An assessment panel will meet to review and discuss each of the eligible applications. During this process, the panel will consider all information submitted as part of the nomination to determine how the nominee meets the assessment criteria for the relevant award category. All applications are ranked as part of this process to determine prospective award recipients. Following this, referees may then be contacted to verify nomination statements and clarify information before recipients are confirmed.
To submit a nomination for the awards please see here.

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