TAFE and training surge in WA off the back of McGowan Government initiative
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TAFE and training surge in WA off the back of McGowan Government initiative

by Freya Lucas

June 22, 2021

Enrolments in lower fee TAFE courses in Western Australia have increased by 27 per cent in the past year, with early childhood being one of the most popular courses being undertaken.


“It is really pleasing to see people taking up these opportunities and I encourage anyone who is looking for a career change or needs alternative employment to consider TAFE as a way forward,” Education and Training Minister Sue Ellery said. 


The McGowan Government’s Lower Fees, Local Skills initiative was recently extended until 2025, and has been designed to support Western Australians to gain affordable and valuable qualifications in areas of need in the local employment market.


Introduced from 1 January, 2020, the initiative has seen 52,300 enrolments in eligible courses so far this year, with fees for 180 Vocational Education and Training qualifications reduced by up to 72 per cent.


“Western Australia’s economy is booming, with growing demand across a whole range of sectors for skilled workers to fill local jobs and support our businesses, big and small,” WA Premier Mark McGowan said. 


“There is still more to do to manage these significant pressures and the Skills Summit we are hosting later this month will continue our efforts, in conjunction with the business sector, to address these issues,” he continued, adding that “there has never been a better time for Western Australians of all ages to upskill at one of the State’s TAFEs so they can take advantage of the raft of job opportunities available now and into the future.”


For more information about Lower Fees, Local Skills, please see here

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