Local preschools benefit from Murray River Council Community Grants
Murray River Council has awarded $30,600 in community grants to help support a wide range of community projects, with two local preschools included in the allocations.
Community groups and not-for-profit organisations were able to apply for up to $3,000 for projects or events under round two of the 20/21 Community Grants Program, which closed in early April.
Murray River Council mayor Cr Chris Bilkey said there was a great response to the grant program, with more than $70,000 worth of applications received from the community, something he said highlights “the amazing things going on in our towns.”
“There were many worthy projects submitted for consideration, however the final funded projects are spread throughout the Council area and represent the diverse needs of our residents,” Mr Bilkey added.
The Assessment Panel recommended a total of thirteen projects be funded at a total value of $30,600, with the extra $600 to be allocated from council’s quick response grants program.
The total value of the projects recommended for funding is $88,991.90, with all applications assessed against set criteria, with the assessment committee closely considering the benefits of each project for which funding was sought.
Mathoura Preschool Inc received $1,200 for ipads to be used for the Early Learning Languages Australia (ELLA) program.
Moama and District Preschool was given $1500 for an electronic sign in/role system through ipads.
To access a full list of the grant recipients, please see here.
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