Nurses and midwives back Thrive by Five calls for early learning reform
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) has announced its support for reform in early learning by joining the Thrive by Five campaign.
ANMF’s support was welcomed by Thrive by Five CEO Jay Weatherill who indicated that the presence of the Federation would lead to increased awareness of the importance of infant and maternal health, a “critical part of the early childhood development system, which is in urgent need of reform”.
“Clearly this is becoming a significant cross-sectoral issue. It’s more than just workforce participation and sending children away while their parents go to work. We need to make sure our future generations are not left developmentally vulnerable and that our economy recovers successfully from the pandemic,” Mr Weatherill added.
ANMF Federal Secretary, Annie Butler, said the Federation fully supported the vision to reform Australia’s early learning and childcare system, and is “so glad to be onboard for such an important cause”.
“Our nurses and midwives understand the importance of the early years and they are strong advocates of proper maternal and infant support. Many are also working long shifts or night shifts and are unable to access proper childcare. They need this reform as much as any other sector.”
For more information about the Thrive by Five campaign, please see here.
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