New campaign aims to put Tasmanians on the right track to a great career
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New campaign aims to put Tasmanians on the right track to a great career

by Freya Lucas

December 02, 2020

The Tasmanian Government is aiming to build a pipeline of skilled Tasmanians, and to provide more career options through the launch of a new campaign called The Right Track


The Right Track puts a spotlight on vocational education and training (VET) and encourages learners of all ages to try something new whether it’s a short course, qualification or apprenticeship in a range of careers, including early childhood education and care (ECEC).


Targeting audiences state wide, the campaign aims to reach young learners during and post-school, parents, teachers, adults, employers and industry who are critical to the successful growth of a robust workforce.


There are over 500 different VET training qualifications and short programs on offer through 100 training organisations in Tasmania who deliver government-funded training in a range of traditional sectors and trades, as well as high-tech industries or roles that are in high-demand for skilled staff.


“Vocational Education and Training plays a significant role in supporting our economy by providing the opportunities to build skills and increase knowledge, and by offering employers access to a skilled workforce,” Jeremy Rockliff, Tasmanian Minister for Education and Training said. 


“We want more Tasmanians in Vocational Education and Training to make sure our industries have the workers they need to recover and Tasmanians looking for a career have the right choices,” he added.


The Right Track campaign will cover TV, digital, social, press and radio and will run through to until June 2022.


For more information and to view the campaign visit 

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