Wodonga Preschools receive custom puzzles ahead of Children's Day
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Wodonga Preschools receive custom puzzles ahead of Children’s Day

by Freya Lucas

July 29, 2020

Two new puzzles with artwork developed by young local Aboriginal artists have been introduced into Wodonga preschools ahead of National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day, celebrated on 4 August. 


Tahlia Herbet, 17, and Carleigh Walsh, 16, have had their artwork printed on puzzles as a way of sharing Aboriginal culture through educational resources.


Ms Herbert, who is in Year 11 at Wodonga Senior Secondary College, said she was excited to have her artwork used by Wodonga Council.


“I made the turtle artwork when I was in Year 7,” she said. “I kind of think it like my family or a family, travelling down the river. I’m very proud to have my work on show through the preschools.”


She became interested in exploring her culture through art after joining the Koorie Art Club at school in Year 7. 


“I kind of just paint whatever comes into my head,” she said. “I’ve been exploring my culture that way.”


Wodonga preschools will be celebrating National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day on 4 August with a simultaneous storytime. All six preschools will listen to the story My Lost Mob by Venetia Tyson at 10am.


For more information about National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day, and how it may be acknowledged in early childhood education and care services, please see here

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