NSW opens applications for learning environments and Start Strong grants

Applications are now open for the 2020 Quality Learning Environments (QLE) Program and the 2020 Start Strong Capital Works Grants Program, for early childhood education and care (ECEC) services located in New South Wales.
The 2020 QLE program supports eligible early childhood services to improve their learning environments, and create positive experiences and outcomes for children, while the Start Strong program supports eligible not-for-profit organisations through funding to build, renovate or extend their facilities to deliver a community preschool, or purchase a vehicle for a mobile preschool to cater for increasing enrolments.
Up to $15,000 is available under the QLE program for not-for-profit community preschools (centre-based or mobile) and not-for-profit long day cares (including local government managed services).
Funds obtained under a QLE grant can be used to purchase resources and activities that enhance physical or educational learning environments. This may include quality improvement initiatives to meet the needs of services impacted by bushfire and recent severe weather events or other emergency situations such as COVID-19.
Applications for QLE funding must demonstrate a link between the proposed resource or activity, and the services Quality Improvement Plan, and will be assessed against the eligibility criteria, application requirements and spending rules.
QLE applications are open until 25 September, with those services who require urgent funding encouraged to complete the application by 24 July in order to be eligible for early payment.
Further information including eligibility criteria and spending rules are provided in the program guidelines.
Start Strong
Grants are available under the Start Strong stream for eligible services who wish to:
- build a new centre-based community preschool
- extend an existing centre-based community preschool
- renovate premises for a centre-based community preschool
- purchase a motor vehicle for an existing mobile preschool
- respond to a crisis situation with a capital works project.
An application guide and series of FAQs has been developed to provide further information about eligibility, application requirements and how to apply, along with the program guidelines.
Applications for Start Strong will close at midnight on 23 August 2020.

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