Tehan invites submissions on education disability standards
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Tehan invites submissions on education disability standards

by Freya Lucas

July 17, 2020

The Federal Government is calling for public submissions into a review of the Disability Standards for Education 2005, which play a key role in ensuring students with disability can access and participate in education without any barriers.


“The standards help students with disability and their families know their rights and make clear the obligations of all education providers – from preschool and kindergarten through to vocational education providers and universities” Federal Minister for Education, Dan Tehan said.


During the 2015 review of the Standards, stakeholders highlighted the need for support around practical implementation of the Standards, which led to the development of Exemplars of Practice which demonstrate how the Standards can be used to support better learning outcomes and educational experiences for students in early learning, schools, vocational education, and higher education settings.


“It’s incredibly important we review these standards regularly to make sure they are doing their job to give equal access and opportunity for students with disability,” Mr Tehan said, outlining the need for many voices from a variety of perspectives to contribute to the consultation process.


An extensive community consultation process will be held from 16 July to 25 September, providing an opportunity for the public to share experiences and ideas.


“I strongly encourage current, former and prospective students with disability, their families and carers, educators, and other members of the public to share their thoughts on the standards and their implementation” Mr Tehan said. 


Feedback can be provided in a variety of ways including completing an online questionnaire, making a submission, participating in a webinar, or by expressing their interest in a focus group, one-on-one interview, or an online discussion. 


For more information, visit the Consultation Hub, here

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