More than just a bear in there – ABC Kids launches special resources for educators
The work of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) is no stranger to those who work in early childhood, with a number of children’s favourite programs being shown on the network.
What some early childhood education and care (ECEC) professionals may not know is the range of support services available for those who educate and care for children.
The Sector reached out to Laura Stone, Early Childhood Education Producer for the ABC, to learn more about the range of opportunities for educators provided through the new ABC Kids Early Education website.
Informed by priorities in early childhood pedagogy, ABC Kids has put together trusted content, to inspire, inform and enhance the education and care experience provided in a variety of ECEC settings across Australia.
The resources have been divided into five broad curriculum areas which broadly align with the Early Years Learning Framework:
- Family, community and culture
- Sustainability and nature
- Health and wellbeing
- Creativity and self expression
- Science,Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
The ‘Notes for Educators’ have been developed by the ABC Kids Early Childhood Education producer, Ms Stone, in consultation with expert early education advisors, such as Jessica Staines from Koori Curriculum, Dr Kate Highfield, from Early Childhood Australia and Dr Ben Deery, from the University of Melbourne.
Educators can engage with the content in a number of ways, with the site featuring audio, video and digital content, all of which is available free of charge. The site also includes a blog which is regularly updated to ensure an ongoing link with the ECEC sector.
“Initiatives of interest to the sector are discussed, along with updates from ABC Kids and ABC Kids Listen about the great work going on behind the scenes,” Ms Stone said, encouraging educators to visit to gain inspiration and information to guide their work with children, families and communities.
“We hope you will feel inspired by us, just as we’re ALWAYS inspired by the work you do,” Ms Stone said.
Educators who have used the site and its resources are encouraged to connect back to the ABC, Ms Stone said, adding “have you used ABC Kids content/resources as part of a project or learning story? Let us know!”
Educational researchers, and those involved with early childhood initiatives with implications for early childhood audio/visual content or pedagogy are also encouraged to get in touch.
Finally, Ms Stone said, the ABC team love to hear about the work being done in ECEC facilities around the country.
“Do you have a great news story related to working with children, families or communities? Perhaps we can help you share with the ABC Kids Community on Facebook. If applicable in your state, this could be a helpful way to share some of your Teacher Identified Professional Development (TIPD) or equivalent professional reflection,” she said.
To view the full range of available resources, please see here.
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