Camp Quality builds Happiness Hub, connecting children facing cancer challenges

Camp Quality has launched a new Happiness Hub, designed to give children and families facing cancer, and the broader community, a new website to help get through isolation together.
With the advent of COVID-19 preventing families and children from accessing the usual Camp Quality offerings, which include face-to-face services and programs for children aged 0-13 such as Kids’ Camps, Family Fun Days and Primary School Education Program puppet shows, the organistion made a quick shift to digital program delivery by developing Camp Quality’s Happiness Hub.
The Happiness Hub is now the online home of the Camp Quality Puppets, creating a digital version of the educational puppet show that tours schools across Australia, and the hospital visits to children undergoing treatment. The hub also houses a digital version of Camp Quality’s much-loved camps with a Virtual Camp section full of activities.
Families who are in isolation while their children are undergoing cancer treatment are especially vulnerable, as Camp Quality mum Jolyn explained, reflecting on her experiences after her daughter Codee-jo was diagnosed with Leukemia at two years of age.
“Codee-Jo was quite sensitive to chemotherapy, which meant we have had to isolate… During isolation we aim to exercise daily and partake in fun family activities. We don’t take life too seriously and ensure we relax and have free time to just enjoy being together” she said.
Jolyn is one of the parents who has shared her family’s top tips for isolation on the Happiness Hub to help other Australian families who are experiencing isolation for the first time.
Camp Quality CEO Deborah Thomas has made it clear that support for families facing cancer will continue through the pandemic saying that because cancer doesn’t stop, neither can the organisation.
“Camp Quality’s Happiness Hub truly shares what has always been at the heart of Camp Quality for 36 years – laughter, connection and positivity” she said.
The Happiness Hub will become a permanent part of service delivery at Camp Quality into the future. Services or individuals who are looking to support the work of Camp Quality may do so here.