Alannah & Madeline Foundation respond to surge in family violence

National charity the Alannah & Madeline Foundation have outlined the additional pressure placed on Australian families as a result of isolation measures for COVID-19, saying their work in keeping children and young people safe from violence and bullying “has never been more important.”
A spokesperson for the Foundation explained that police and family services around the country are reporting “a huge surge of enquiries and pleas for help” from those experiencing family violence, with many children were who were vulnerable before the pandemic now at heightened risk from the added layers of family stress, isolation, uncertain employment and financial futures, coupled with existing stressors.
“With the safety net of community, extended family networks and education and care settings gone, there is a greatly added need for our services to support and reach these children, families and educators” the spokesperson added.
Support from the Foundation has been adapted so that services can be delivered in flexible ways, such as setting up FaceTime, video contact, phone calls and texts with vulnerable children so they know they can reach out for help or even a chat.
The Foundation is also working very closely with childcare staff and kindergarten teachers, providing support to them while they teach and interact with traumatised children, with specialist trauma staff available to work “hand in hand” with early childhood staff to ensure that very young children can recover, thrive and learn.
More information about the range of support available from the Alannah & Madeline Foundation is available here.