Toorak’s tiniest to benefit from $147,000 upgrade thanks to Victorian Labor Government

Victorian Parliamentary Secretary for Early Childhood Sonya Kilkenny recently visited Brookville Kindergarten to open the service’s $147,000 facilities upgrade, and to meet children and families, including those who will benefit from funded three-year-old kindergarten programs in 2022.
Of the $147,000 upgrade, $100,000 was allocated to the service from the Victorian Government via an Early Learning Facility Upgrade grant. The upgrade grants form part of the commitment to deliver a full 15 hours of three-year-old kinder to every Victorian child over the next decade, with the rollout beginning in 2020.
The upgrade expands the kindergarten’s outdoor learning spaces to include a new space for ball play, a larger covered deck area and better designed outdoor play area.
The new extended deck and play area allows extra space for imaginative and exploratory play such as painting, outdoor kitchens and stages, and a relocated swing area to create more open space.
Ms Kilkenny said it was wonderful to see the upgraded learning space in action during her visit. For photographs of the space, or to learn more about Brookville Kindergarten, please see here.