Victorian educators to have their say about the impact of regulation and info sharing
The Sector > Workforce > Victorian educators to have their say about the impact of regulation and info sharing

Victorian educators to have their say about the impact of regulation and info sharing

by Freya Lucas

November 21, 2019

Victorian early childhood education and care (ECEC) professionals have been invited to have their say about the proposed Child Wellbeing and Safety (Information Sharing) Amendment Regulations 2020 and Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) and the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme.


Both schemes are open to the public for consultation until 5pm, Friday 6 December 2019. Input is sought from both the general public and the sector about information sharing and family violence reforms which would permit workforces, including ECEC, to share information with each other to promote the wellbeing or safety of Victorian children and families, and to work together more effectively to identify and respond to family violence risk. 


The proposed regulations will authorise a further range of organisations and services to participate in the Child Information Sharing Scheme (CIS Scheme), from September 2020.


Phase One of the reforms is already in place and allows frontline services such as Child Protection, Child First, Maternal and Child Health, and Victoria Police to share information with each other and access guidance to better respond to the wellbeing and safety needs of children and their families. 

The proposed Phase Two of the reforms will introduce more workforces. It is expected to bring key universal services into the reforms, including schools, ECEC services, general practitioners and public hospitals.

A decision about the regulations is expected in March 2020, with the changes proposed to commence in September 2020. 


In the lead up to its introduction, education providers will be offered support to implement the reforms including:

  • implementation support staff in regions
  • practical support and resources, including an enquiry line
  • guidance outlining minimum steps and best practice for your service
  • flexible learning options both in person and on-line


In person and on-line briefings will be provided for organisational leaders, including service directors and area managers, with workshop sessions for educators to follow. Further information will be available from December 2019.


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