Diocese of Maitland to transition all OSHCs to St Nicholas

The Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle have confirmed that they plan to transition all of it’s schools currently using third party outside school hours care (OSHC) providers to St Nicholas OOSH, an agency of the Diocese, according to reporting in the Newcastle Herald.
The decision comes in the wake of the creation of St Nicholas OOSH in 2017 and it’s gradual expansion since as the Diocese strived to ensure that quality OSHC was available across the Diocese.
St Nicholas OOSH now has services in nine of the Diocese’s 44 primary schools, with this number expected to rise gradually as the replacement process from third party providers to St Nicholas OOSh takes place.
Commenting in the Newcastle Herald on the roll out, Chief Executive Officer of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle Sean Scanlon said several factors have influenced the decision to commence the rollout of St Nicholas OOSH across the diocese, including problems or complaints received in relation to an existing school OOSH provider; an existing OOSH provider indicating they are planning to discontinue service, one school wishing to establish a service, and other “practical” considerations.
Thus far three existing services have voluntarily terminated their licence, having anticipated the transition in light of St Nicholas OOSH’s expansion and three service operated by New South Wales’s largest not for profit provider YMCA have been earmarked for transition.
A YMCA spokesman told the Newcastle Herald that they are saddened to leave, but “appreciate the support and positive engagement we have enjoyed with children, staff and families.”
The consolidation of OSHC provider to one agency provider will ultimately see all 44 primary schools in the Diocese using the St NIcholas OOSH service.
More information about the St Nicholas offering may be found here.

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