SA releases 10-year Aboriginal Education Strategy

A new Aboriginal Education Strategy has been developed by the South Australian Government to ensure a culturally inclusive curriculum, including Aboriginal language studies, is taught in the state’s preschools, children’s centres, schools and education services across South Australia.
The 10-year strategy was designed in partnership with Professor Peter Buckskin, Chairperson of the South Australian Aboriginal Education and Training Consultative Council (SAAETCC), and informed by consultation with Aboriginal students, families, communities and Education Department staff.
The SA Government said the strategy’s vision is that each Aboriginal child and young person is a proud and confident learner achieving at their highest potential.
Key initiatives include increased opportunities for children and young people to engage with Aboriginal languages and culture through observation and experience, as well as strengthened Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara language and cultural instruction in remote preschools and schools.
Detailed individual learning plans will also be developed for Aboriginal learners at all SA schools, supported by more training and resources being made available to advance the confidence and cultural awareness of staff.
Several key initiatives have already commenced with the expansion of the South Australian Aboriginal Sports Training Academy to engage more Aboriginal students in their learning, and the Workabout Centre which supports the transition from study of employment.
To read the strategy in full, click here.

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