AQF review is an opportunity to improve ECEC qualification standards
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AQF review is an opportunity to improve ECEC qualification standards

by Freya Lucas

November 15, 2018

The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is under review, with an opportunity presented to those in the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector to have their say about whether or not existing qualifications in ECEC meet the needs of students, employers, education providers, and the wider community.


The review, which was announced in the 2017-18 Budget, received increased attention this week, with Federal Education Minister Dan Tehan announcing the three final members of the AQF review panel.


The new panellists announced on Tuesday were:

  • Marie Persson – Chair, Industry Reference Group of the NSW Skills Board;




They join existing panellists:


  • Professor Peter Noonan (Chair), Professor of Tertiary Education Policy at Victoria University;



  • Professor Sally Kift Adjunct Professor, College of Business, Law & Governance at James Cook University; and,


  • Ms Megan Lilly, Head of Workforce Development, Ai Group.


The AQF was last reviewed between 2009–2011. Since then, there have been technological advances in education delivery, increased uptake of sub-qualifications, and changes to standard international practice related to qualifications frameworks, meaning the 201718 review is timely.


The review will involve broad public consultation in response to a discussion paper and will include extensive consultations with the sector. Release of a discussion paper and public consultations are expected in the second half of 2018, with the final report to be provided to government by June 2019.


The review presents a unique opportunity for the ECEC sector to lend their voice to concerns about the robustness of qualifications in the sector, and a perceived decline in rigour for course content and graduate quality.


Further information on the consultation process will be released as it becomes available, and can be followed on the Department of Education and Training website.


Terms of reference for the review are available, alongside contextual research related to international qualifications frameworks and domestic use of the AQF.


Inquiries about the AQF Review can be made to [email protected].

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