CCC calls Labor announcement a game changer

Peak body Community Child Care Association (CCC) has described the Australian Labor Party’s commitment to ongoing funding for three year old and four year old children as one which will make a real and lasting difference to thousands of families, children and educators across Australia.
CCC Executive Director Julie Price said “Labor’s recognition of early childhood education as the foundation stone of the education system is echoed in the recent Lifting Our Game report, which shows that all children’s school results improve with two years of kindergarten.’
Ms Price said CCC was keen to hear Labor’s future plans for lifting the game for all children, saying children in vulnerable circumstances need access and support at all stages of early childhood, not just their kindergarten years, also pointing out that there is a long way to go before Australia is on par with, or ahead of, our OECD counterparts including New Zealand and Denmark.
Touching on the importance of attracting new teachers to the early childhood workforce, supporting the upskilling of educators, and ensuring that every educator receives better pay and conditions, Ms Price said CCC was proud to be part of ongoing conversations about the importance of the early and middle years on children’s long-term development.

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