Our philosophy is embedded in six core beliefs. These core beliefs represent who we are and where we are heading. It is what keeps us focused and ensures we always — always —putting our children first. Many different child-care centres say they are child-let and that they offer amazing resources and support to deliver quality care, but at Petit we really do.
Simply pop in for a tour at one of our Centres and you will feel the difference. The support from our Leadership team in prioritising quality of Care is the most common feedback we received from our teams in our latest team survey (October 2022) is “I know what I need to do to be successful in my role” and “I have enough autonomy to perform my job effectively”. Support plus autonomy makes the environment at Petit unique.
Importance of philosophy
Our statement of philosophy reflects the core elements of our learning framework, commitment to quality outcomes for our children and guides our decision-making on curriculum delivery, ongoing learning and reflective practices at each Petit ELJ centre.
It reflects a shared view of who we are and where we would like to be. For our team, this means you should feel we partner with you, you are aligned, supported and understood by Petit ELJ Leadership team.
Our 6 Core Beliefs are:
Underpinning our beliefs is a zero tolerance of child abuse and neglect. Child safety and wellbeing is embedded in our organisation, leadership, governance and culture
Inspiring Children in their unique potential for learning every day!!!