Guide to settling Toddlers 1-3 years - The Sector
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Guide to settling Toddlers 1-3 years

September 21, 2020

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Safe Sleep Space



Guide to Settling Toddlers


Understand common toddler sleep struggles and learn how to create an emotionally safe sleep space, where toddlers feel comfortable drifting to sleep.


4 MODULES: 16 LESSONS: 75 MINUTES (including Early Childhood Educators Supplement)


In this course, we will focus on toddlers aged from 1 to 3 years. We will conduct a deeper analysis of a toddler’s needs, cues and capabilities, review what factors influence sleep and sleep struggles, and provide step-by-step settling strategies.


The end goal is to help you create an emotionally safe sleep space, where toddlers feel comfortable drifting to sleep. We also provide additional information and strategies that relate specifically to Educators working in a childcare service in a supplementary module.


The program has been developed for health professionals and anyone providing care, education and/or counselling to families and young children including Child and Family Health Nurses, Psychologists, Social Workers, Family Support Workers and Early Childhood Educators. Includes:

Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: Inside a Toddler’s Brain
1. Growing Independence
2. Predictability
3. Emotional Security

Module 3: Supporting a Toddler to Sleep
1. Tired Signs
2. Sleep Cycles & Associations
3. Common Sleep Challenges
4. Head Banging
5. Screen Time & Blue Light
6. Nightmares & Night Terrors

Module 4: Settling Techniques
1. Settling in a Cot
2. Settling in a Bed

Module 5: Early Childhood Setting
1. ACECQA National Quality Framework
2. Sleep & Rest
3. Supervision
4. Physical Environment
5. Additional Support Staff
6. Settling Multiple Toddlers
7. Common Sleep Scenarios





To find out more about this course, please contact:

Cindy Davenport, Director
Ternity Group
t. 0416 019 069
e. [email protected]

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