Grow – Develop – Flourish for inspired educational leadership and practice
Grow – Develop – Flourish
For inspired educational leadership and practice
1. Educational Leader essentials – role, qualities and goals
Gain role clarity with a clearer focus in your role as an Educational Leader: Consider leadership qualities, and ways to become growth focused. Set meaningful goals and steps to develop as an Educational Leader. Explore legislative requirements, and the myths and facts around documentation.
2. Inspiring and leading the direction of the curriculum: current trends
Share fresh and inspiring trends and information with your team, about: Reggio Emilia/Malaguzzi approach – 100 languages and project-based learning. Schema, loose parts, bush kindy and natural environments, challenge and risky play. The documentation cycle and summative assessment.
3. Build a team culture of enquiry and quality improvement
Explore ways to open up a culture of reflective practice and enquiry, for your team to work collaboratively towards quality improvement. Learn how to: Be comfortable with giving and receiving feedback, and to empower others to as well. Critically reflect from multiple viewpoints on requirements/best practice in QA1. Use a team approach on the Quality Improvement Plan.
4. Step up in leadership: use and develop emotional intelligence
Understand how connection, with positive attitudes and emotional intelligence, is a requirement for successful leadership and teams. Explore and identify: The state and size of your own needs, using the Phoenix Cups framework ©. Your emotional responses, triggers and reactions; and discover the impact of our emotions on others. Ways to develop and use emotional intelligence personally, and within your team.
5. Create a workplace learning community: being a coach and mentor
Focus on your role to lead others in their learning, to transform pedagogy and practice. Be guided on ways to: Identify and use people’s strengths in your team. Share knowledge more effectively to suit people’s different learning styles. Facilitate a mentoring relationship, and develop skills for effective coaching and mentoring.