Workforce of the Future: What Do Employers Want? - The Sector
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Workforce of the Future: What Do Employers Want?

February 26, 2021 - February 26, 2021

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Following on from the success of the Workforce of the Future events series in 2020 we are excited to present a new livestreamed event for 2021.


This event partners with industry experts from the Skills Organisation Pilots exploring what employers want out of the national Vocational Education and Training (VET) System?


As business and government look for ways to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, the capacity to grow, compete and thrive in a global economy is highly dependent on employers and individuals accessing the right skills at the right time.


In this special live streamed event join industry experts from the Skills Organisation Pilots as they consider these questions and more:


  • What do Australia’s employers need to access to a highly skilled workforce?
  • How can the VET system be improved to better meet the needs of Australian employers?
  • What role should employers play in strengthening the national VET system?


Register your interest here

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