Why is it important to hear the voices of children and young people in research? - The Sector
The Sector > Events > Why is it important to hear the voices of children and young people in research?

Why is it important to hear the voices of children and young people in research?

September 15, 2020 - September 15, 2020

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This webinar will help researchers and sector professionals to understand the significance of research with children and young people. It offers insight into the experience of engaging in research with children and young people for both researchers and participants.

AIFS Senior Research Fellow Dr Rachel Carson will present on the research process used for the Children and Young People in Separated Families study. Anne Hollonds, AIFS Director and newly appointed National Children’s Commissioner, will then facilitate a discussion between Rachel and NAPCAN’s Lesley Taylor.

This webinar is being hosted in collaboration with NAPCAN in support of National Child Protection Week, 1–7 September 2020.


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