Using social media to engage your parents and grow your ELC
August 13, 2019 - August 13, 2019
Bells Function Centre Upper Level, Pier 3 Barrack Street Jetty Perth, WA 6000
During this workshop, Sam will be sharing her roadmap for engaging parents online via Facebook and social media. She will cover how you can use social media to build, grow, support and market to the community of parents whose children attend or are interested in enrolling their child to attend your Early Learning Centre.
The three main outcomes attendees will leave with from this session are:
1) A clear knowledge of how ELC providers should understand the social media world and how that impacts their organisation, current and potential families.
2) A clear roadmap of how ELC providers can harness social media and the internet as an extension of the support they give to parents and families.
3) An understanding of how to quickly and easily create and find great content online to share with their parents and families.
For more information, or to register, please visit the website, here