The What, Why and How of Positive Education in Early Childhood - The Sector
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The What, Why and How of Positive Education in Early Childhood

November 23, 2023 - November 23, 2023

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Gumnut Bowral Memorial Preschool 50 Wingecarribee St, Bowral NSW 2576, Australia

Sarah Mangelsdorf, positive education consultant and counsellor from Chevalier College will join us to talk about the benefits of a community wide strength-based approach to wellbeing.


Kirsty Hails, Nominated Supervisor of Yellow Cottage in Scone will share her experience of being involved in the Where There’s a Will charity and wellbeing initiatives in the Upper Hunter. She will share how her early childhood service has developed and used the Strength Stars Cards as a learning tool for young children to discover and develop their character strengths.


Educators from Gumnut Preschool will share their journey over the last year in utilizing Strength Stars to implement a strength-based programme.


A free light supper will be provided and an opportunity to network with other early childhood educators.


Learn more or register here

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