The FRSA National Conference 2022 - The Sector
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The FRSA National Conference 2022

May 16, 2022 - May 19, 2022

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Hilton Adelaide

As social service organisations we are always at the cutting edge of emerging trends and changes in society – for the FRS sector, especially for vulnerable children, families and communities.


The theme for the FRSA National Conference 2022 – Together we can: Connect, Innovate, Transform – captures the spirit, resilience and adaptivity of the family and relationship services sector and will be held at the Hilton Adelaide, 16-19 May 2022.


Since 2020, the sector’s ability to adapt and respond was tested like never before.  Alongside with ‘usual’ challenges of life, – the sector has found itself actively responding to bushfires, floods and the unprecedented impact of COVID-19 and the resulting period of ongoing social/physical distancing.  Life as we knew it ceased to function in the usual way.  As ‘essential services’ continued to provide vital support throughout this period, our sector remained connected to children, families and communities.  Some of this work was done face-to-face but to a large extent, provision of services moved to an online/technologically aided environment.


The striking feature from that time was how quickly services adapted to the rapidly changing environment to ensure that children, families and communities continued to be supported as the crisis unfolded.   As life continues and we adapt to new ways of working and engaging with children, families and communities what are the new challenges that arise for both the sector and for society.


FRSA acknowledges that there is some uncertainty about what will Australia’s future will look like in the coming months. We are hopeful, however, that come May 2022 we will be in a position to come together as a network in person. We know the sector is eagerly awaiting the day we are able to meet again for this event, face-to-face, to engage in the rich experience of knowledge and networking that the FRSA National Conference delivers.


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