The field of extended education research: Grappling with diverse conceptualisations of children's time out of schools hours - The Sector
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The field of extended education research: Grappling with diverse conceptualisations of children’s time out of schools hours

October 25, 2022 - October 25, 2022

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Hybrid - in person and online

In many societies around the world, today there is an increase in out-of-school time education for children and adolescents compared to the past.


Across Asia, North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Australia numerous efforts have been made to extend the school day and expand educational and care


In the international research discourse, “Extended Education” was chosen as a generic term for different types of offers that extend the regular school day providing children and adolescents a range of supervised activities designed to promote their learning and development.


In Germany, the introduction and ongoing expansion of all-day schools is part of this global trend. The presentation will give an insight into the German all-day school context with its past and current developments, and the state of empirical
research, in particular on the question of potential effects for disadvantaged students with a migration background.


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